Ava Aware and Cameras 3.2: RTSP streaming and webhooks directly from your cloud cameras

Malcolm Walters, December 2 2020
2 mins

It’s time for the last product releases of the year. After extensive customer feedback and endless hours of hard work, the Aware and Cameras 3.2 bring increased flexibility and performance. 

Our previous product update included heatmaps and smoke alarm detection

The highlight of this month’s release is the option to configure Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) streaming and webhooks straight from your Ava Cloud Cameras. What’s more, you can detect screaming from Ava Cameras, use the Aware Camera Proxy, and stop all recordings during specific periods.

Besides these useful, new features, we’ve continued to improve:

  • our cameras’ low light performance
  • the user interface for Video adjustments, Devices, and Alarms
  • the options available for webhooks
  • line crossing configuration and detection

RTSP streaming from Ava Cloud Cameras

In an earlier release, we make it possible for users to pull either live streams or historical video from Ava Appliances using either RTSP or RTSPS (Real Time Streaming Protocol over TLS/SSL). 

Users can now configure RTSP streams directly from Ava Dome and Ava 360 cloud cameras. Security administrators and operators can examine video footage using their existing external viewers or integrate the cameras with existing monitoring and PSIM solutions over their internal network. Security is built-in, with control over who can stream and what they can stream.

Send webhooks directly from Ava Cloud Cameras

Now, when configuring webhooks, users can choose to send it from the Ava Cloud Cameras and not just from Aware Cloud. Webhooks are an easy and seamless way to create integrations with a range of tools ranging from communication tools—like Slack, Whatsapp, or Microsoft Teams—to  PSIM solutions such as Immix.

Sending webhooks directly from our cloud cameras allows the target of the webhook to be an internal system, without needing that system to be exposed to the Internet. It also means that webhooks can be used even when external network connectivity has been lost. This ensures that security teams can take action quickly when the cameras’ integrated analytics detect anomalies and rules-based events.

Detect screaming from Ava Cameras

Ava Dome and Ava 360 now identify screaming sounds and where they came from, thus increasing our sound detection capabilities to five different noise types.

Use Aware Remote Camera Proxy

Sometimes it is necessary to make configuration changes to third party cameras running on a separate network. With the 3.2 release, this is now possible using the new Aware Camera Proxy. This provides a secure connection between a browser and the camera user interface allowing a user to make any necessary changes from anywhere.

Stop all recordings during specific periods

Based on the feedback we received from our customers, users can define Configuration profiles for devices so that they only record during specified periods. It is particularly useful for public institutions, schools, and other educational facilities that must respect employees’, customers’, and students' privacy during business or school hours.

In this case, when the purpose of video surveillance is security, users can set Aware to record only during times when there is a higher likelihood that security issues may occur, during nights and weekends, for example.

Discover all the new features included in Aware 3.2 and Ava Cameras 3.2 from our release notes.

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