Since we announced the Quad in February, the reactions in the industry spanned from enthusiasm and anticipation to disbelief. We understand why some skeptics disputed our claim of Quad being the first cloud multisensor since other multisensors can “connect” to the cloud. The trick is, in the case of these other existing video security cameras on the market, IT and security professionals do need additional infrastructure and special configurations for the cloud.
With the Quad, you don’t need any additional on-premises infrastructure like a video management system (VMS) gateway, a network video recorder (NVR), or a digital video recorder (DVR). You install the security camera and bring it to the cloud without additional configuration, just by scanning a QR code and using a single IP connection. Additionally, being cloud-native ensures the Quad will always be updated to the latest features delivered without the customer or managed service provider needing to update or patch a VMS software.
The Quad camera comes with built-in storage and connects to a scalable, multi-tenant cloud service that provides redundancy and geodiversity.
To access the Quad camera, its four video feeds, and leverage all the integrated AI video and audio analytics, all you need to do is log in via a browser or mobile device to interact with the multisensor.