New in Ava Aware 2.1: audio snippets. Plus access control integration

Malcolm Walters, May 20 2020
3 mins

This blog post was initially published using Ava's former video security product names. 

We’re excited to bring you the Ava Aware 2.1 release. For the past month, we’ve been focused on smaller features and general improvement to make it easier for you to secure and manage your organization’s day to day operations with Aware, our intelligent video management system (formerly Vaion vcore).

Discover what this new release has to offer from audio snippets and improved panoramic views to setting loitering time in rules. Additionally, we’re thrilled to show you our access control integration.

Record audio snippets for Ava cameras’ alarms

Ava Dome and Ava 360 (formerly Vaion vcam) integrate directional audio analytics. We’re championing privacy, and, by default, our cameras and VMS don’t record the audio. However, in those scenarios, when you need to have a recording from each audio detection, you can enable them from Store audio recordings in our cameras.

The snippets include a few seconds of each audio detection. These snippets will be automatically included in any diagnostic information you choose to send to the support from the cameras. These files are also available in Aware, where your Ava cameras are connected. They can be downloaded to be listened to locally from the Alarms tool.

Improvement to panoramic views

You can set your preferred panoramic view using Aware’s built-in Dewarp feature. Depending on how your panoramic (wide-angle) cameras are installed, you can see footage as a globe view, a single 16:9 view, or as two separate pictures (dewarped Panoramic view).

If your cameras are wall-mounted, you can zoom in to the view of your panoramic cameras using the mouse wheel.

Set loitering time in rules

We’ve introduced the ability to configure the time an object has to present before the loitering rule triggers to give you more flexibility depending on your security scenarios. During sensitive situations, where the lingering presence of people or vehicles is rare and/or unwanted, you can set a required loitering time.

You can include more characteristics for the loitering rules to trigger notifications, such as the color of the object, or even upload an image for Aware to use.

Complete access control visibility

I'm pleased to share more details about our access control integrations. Organizations need security, agility, and intelligence to streamline their operations and have a full picture of access control events. Adding access control to Aware is seamless and takes less than a couple of minutes.

Administrators can have better insights into who has entered their locations and can get alerts and notification based on specific events. They can even grant access to authorized personnel from Aware if their access was initially denied.

Within Aware, you can capture a whole range of events:

  • authorized entries in your facility
  • authorized exits from your facility
  • when a person tries to enter the office but is denied access
  • when doors are held opened
  • when access or exit have been granted, but the door was not opened
  • unsuccessful access attempts

Check out the release notes to find out more about them.

If you want to learn more about Ava Aware and its powerful features, please sign up for a custom demo with a member of our team.

Originally published May 05, 2020, updated Sept 01 2020.